Okay okay I have read all the stuff out there about not making resolutions for the new year, "its ok to delete things from your life..."dont want to burden myself with unrealistic or negative ideas". Blah blah blah...I LOVE to think about and set New Year's resolutions. Yes, many times I can't even remember what they were by March, but who cares? I enjoy striving for improvement and at this time of year I get to hear other peoples ideas too! I always want to lose weight and don't even really make that my resolution anymore because I obviously have more important things to accomplish than buying tiny jeans! In an earlier post I tossed out a few ideas and I am still thinking about all of those, but, since I have to go back to work tomorrow, I decided to put a couple down and work on the rest over the next month. Maybe this is why I like resolutions, I dont play by the rules:)
I am committing these to writing in a public space so maybe if you ask me I will remember these by spring break!
1. Time with God every morning.
This is critical for me at this point. I have a lot of roles to fill, responsibilities to meet, people who are counting on me....God has blessed me with much and I must stay connected to carry out His plan. I plan to read my Bible each morning using various reading plans, journal my prayers and memorize scripture. I will be asking God to create the fruit of the spirit in me. I need to replace hurry, worry,and bad language with love, gentleness and self control...wait no, I need to seek God's will for those things to be created in my life that will glorify Him.
2. Water and fresh food
I am not very good at restricting food cravings(see self control above). I resolve to drink more water and eat fresh fruit and vegetables. So my resolution is about adding healthy habits instead of taking things away. Along with this, dinner at the table more...every night is probably not realistic but certainly most nights can be accomplished.
Ok, so there you have it. I feel like these are the two most important changes I can make in 2011. I have many other hopes, dreams and goals and Big C and Little C still need me so I must be strong this year! Oh and my choice of picture above? Quiet time, God's beautiful creation, and water!
I hope everyone who reads this, all 6 of you :), are excited and ready for a year of new adventure filled with everyday blessings and little luxuries. If you made resolutions and feel like sharing I would love to hear them!
I hope everyone who reads this, all 6 of you :), are excited and ready for a year of new adventure filled with everyday blessings and little luxuries. If you made resolutions and feel like sharing I would love to hear them!
Living blessed and joyful at Fort Cedar,