Saturday, January 16, 2010

Whew! I made it!

I made it through our first week back! It was really terrific to see all of my students and hear their stories of Christmas and snow. I will admit I was pretty tired by Thursday! I believe this semester is going to be fabulous. It is scary and thrilling to know it is Big C's last semester of high school.
I am enjoying my Bible reading...this really changes my perspective each day. One of my colleagues told me about his devotion one morning this week. "You know my devotion this morning said to rejoice in the Lord, not in my surroundings, not in my work, rejoice in the LORD!" I have held on to that everyday. I am seeking to fulfill His purpose and not seek my own comfort or agenda and the funny thing is...I am happier. I am looking each day to praise God for the good things, because they are always there.
Hope you all are having a joyful weekend and looking for quiet moments.

Rejoicing in the Lord,

1 comment:

  1. Just stumbled onto your blog. It is beautiful. I LOVE snow. I have joined to follow and look forward to getting to know you.
    Blessings, andrea
