Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday, June 18

Well the blessings continue here at Fort Cedar. Our oldest son Casey had inherited an ugly little flaw on his X chromosone from me! He was diagnosed with Alport Syndrome about 6 years ago. This syndrome causes hearing loss and kidney failure. Casey has a terrific doctor at St. Louis Children's Hospital and has to go for check-ups every 6 months. He also takes two different medicines morning and night. So on to the blessings! Well there are many because God is so good and faithful but yesterday we got the really wonderful news that the protein his kidneys are spilling has drastically been reduced!! Hmmmm.....change in medicine or something else? I will tell you I know it is a miracle and I am overwhelmed by God's love!

The next few days are really busy! Today we are going to spend the day at SDC, a theme park close to our home, Casey has a golf tournament on Friday and my cousin's beautiful daughter is getting married on Saturday! This summer has been so incredibly busy, I am not used to this pace since for the last two years I have been in Europe with students. I am looking forward to lazy days in July!
Have a terrific day and if you stop by please leave me a post!

With a joyful heart,

1 comment:

  1. Truly is a blessing!We are so quick to forget that we did ask God for something and in our fast paced life we sometimes dont come back and thank God for his answered prayer but quickly move on to the next "thing" happening in our life and ask for more blessings to be showered on us - forgetting to thank and praise him.

    Have a good and fun day at SDC. Stay cool=:)
